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LGFA & SSC ACL Injury Prevention Programme

The Ladies Gaelic Football Association teamed up with the  Sports Surgery Clinic in Santry to address the issue of ACL and lower limb injury in Ladies Gaelic Football.

Due to the bio-mechanical make up of the female body, females are more prone to ACL injury.This said however, there are plenty of preventative measures that can be taken that will greatly reduce the risk.

The LGFA and the SSC have embarked on an initiative that will tackle this problem in Ladies Football. The initative aims to research the problem within the realm of Ladies Football and educate LGFA members as to how to reduce the risk of ACL injury  within players.

Find out more:

LGFA Injury Fund

When a player registers to play ladies football with a club, a portion of the fee (€25) goes towards the LGFA injury fund.

The LGFA Injury Fund is an injury fund, set up to assist members with some reimbursement for medical expenses incurred due to an injury sustained during ladies gaelic football. It is NOT an insurance policy.

Who does the Injury Fund Cover?

The Injury Fund covers all playing members who sustain an injury in the following:

a) an official competitive or challenge game

b) an official and supervised training session


What are the Benefits of the LGFA Injury Fund?

The LGFA Fund covers the following maximum benefits, provided the correct terms and conditions are followed as noted below;

Medical Expenses – €5,500

Dental Expenses – €3,000

Loss of Wages – A maximum €200 per week for a max of 20 weeks for Adult Members only

Useful Information

Child Safeguarding

Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment

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